Friday, January 30, 2009

If you have got two hens...

Got 2 hens?
Check how various corporates deal with the two hens:
Conventional Corporate:
Sells one hen and buys a cock
The brood multiplies and so the economy improves
Sell the brood and then retire on income obtained.

American Incorporate:
You have two hens
You sell one and still force the other to produce eggs
You are aghast when the hen is dead

You have two hens
You go on a strike because you wanted 3 hens

Japanese Incorporate:
You have two hens
Redesign the hens to nano size of an original hen but still lays 30 eggs at a time
The make cartoon images, name ‘Henimon’ and trade them across the world

German Incorporate:
You have two hens
You will engineer them so they can live for 25 years, eat little, and lay once in a day

British Incorporate:
You have two hens
You assume both are useless

Italian Incorporate:
You have two hens
you don’t know where they are and you take a break

Swiss Incorporate:
You have 5,000 cows and none of which belong to you
You charge others for storing them.

Chinese Incorporate:
You have two hens
You will have 200 people taking care of the two
You will still claim full employment and high hen productivity
You will have the media reporter who disclosed the numbers arrested

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