Thursday, January 15, 2009

I’m comfortable in my own skin-Are you too?

For those of you who have been reading me without knowing me, I am a middle-aged, 37yo woman. I don’t have to hide my age because I don’t see a reason why I have to, at the first place.
So what?
Even at my age I see women gawdily dressed slipping into pointer heels, have their faces packed in almost an inch-thick cakes, heavily accessorized, brows and upper lip trimmed, and trying to look more youthful than they really are. Well why should one hide age after all?

Well, I for one, sadly, don’t fall in that category of women . Read me further….
I went out today on some work with my hair unbrushed; and leave alone cake of madeup face I didn't care to apply even a sunscreen lotion or a moisturizing gel. I'd just put on my dullest unironed jeans and shirt and headed (and jeans! How I love this?).

"Aruna you need to try your best to hide your real age," says a wonderful lady today. Alas! What a pity people are doing? And, as because all of you have eyes and mouth, do I have to follow you all like a blind sheep?

I know you are going to mouth about a person just by seeing what he/she wears! And if you see me with an inch-thick caked up face and a pencil-head pointer heels wearing a red carpet dress, I’m judged as a superior and woman (?) by you lest I am judged a normal and some go to the extant of calling me eccentric. Isn’t this ridiculous?

I rather put my face in a steamer for an hour than choking my skin with thick makeup and rather sit in a sitz bath than wear a dress that makes me feel unease.

Even at my age, most women are judged by their looks, and it is also based on how successful they are in their respective lives; I mean the gawdier you are dressed the more you are respected because they believe you are very very successful.

So unfortunate that fashion has become a staple diet of our society, and we are desperate to cook beauty (I only mean external beauty here) by adding all ingredients like fashion and uncomfortable trends. And, sadly, we are suffering from dyspepsia!

I would never want to pressurize myself into hiding my age. After all why should I? The dark circles around my eyes show the tolerance I’d been enduring in my family and societal life and it’s a grace certainly not disgrace to me, I wish people see them so they learn from me. The stretch marks that are shown on my belly are an evidence that I’m a complete woman and I’ve contributed to the society and I advice if you have these do show them to your kids, they would imagine how they played inside your womb, and believe me they’ll love you more to know that have endured so much of a discomfort when they were inside you.

Start feeling comfortable in your skin even if they are wrinkle rich… let that comfort reflect in your confidence and it will add to your persona. Sadly (or happily), not many women are like me, well its okay if they aren’t okay. But, if you are getting influenced by the society or by spouse I advice you please don’t. You don’t have to force yourself to starve or use creams to hide growth lines, or perm your hair to give a bird-nest look. If you cant walk your normal with those strapped heels throw them and get in to your open-toed slip ons.

With deep regrets to the society that tries to influence me, I am not the one it can change so easily. I can’t sashay around in uncomfortable attire rather gowns but will rather strut in my clumpsy jeans or an old-styled salwar. As for the creams, I rather leave my skin open to air si it can respire and perspire. In fact, I love it so much so I can’t stive it.

Given a choice I like to go out confidently, yes, without so-called make up but rather make up my mind how I talk or behave wherever I head to so my persona is respected. I like myself to be me and not a reflection of society or someone either. I am still significant in the society without any of these stuff!

I didn’t mean to post this to point out at someone that they are doing wrong. No, and I don’t and can't do like them also implies that I am not doing something wrong. Let people be judged based on what they are by heart, and not by what they wear.