Sunday, August 17, 2008

President-Hopeful John Mc Ca(i)n Tarnish the image of America’s Grand Ole’ Party

Today, I wanted to present my views on McCain, the global celebrity who's most talked about today!

Psst! From one conservative to another, I don’t trust McCain as far as I can see him. It may seem traitorous to the Party but I don’t have to believe everything he says just because he calls himself a member of the Grand Ol’ Party. My trust and belief is earned by unwavering convictions on our most important issues.

Consider this! Most companies have adopted the use of the behavioral interview because it questions and validates past behavior that is a good and reliable indicator of what a person will do going forward. As the American people, we act as the human resource department of the United States of America. This is what we know best.

John McCain admits to having an affair with his 2nd wife, Cindy, while married to his 1st wife, Carol. This is the reason numero uno that says do not trust him. Isn’t he a liar and a cheat? Didn’t he commit the moral sin of committing adultery while being still married to Carol? This is the true color of the president hopeful John McCain. A base adulterer at best! Isn’t one of the tenets of Republicanism being a forthright and upstanding individual? So if he will lie and cheat on the person supposedly closest to him, what makes us think he won’t lie to us – faceless Americans? A bunch of whiners as we were called by his top economic policy advisor, Phil Gramm.

We also know that John McCain is in favor of 100 more years; 100 more years? We allowed G. Dubya to remain in office a second term in good faith to allow him the opportunity so he could finish what he started Iraq. Seven years later, we are still deployed fighting a war, running up major debt (it recently reported that we are getting close to half a trillions in debts eek) and looking for phantom terrorists.

In an interview earlier this year, McCain clearly said that we could be spending the next century in Iraq. Then a few months later, after much of backlash, he reverse pedaled to “explain” that the war would be over soon; however, the insurgency would go on for years and years and years, handled by Iraqis, not Americans. Well, which one is it? Even the Iraqis want an answer to that question. They have started to ask for a withdrawal timetable as well. Aaahh, but I digress.

As a conservative, I would like to be able to speak about McCain with confidence but it has proven difficult with this type of double talk. Yes, we do need to finish what we started. Yes, we need to ensure that we get back the foreign policy of previous presidents, including that of Reagan and Roosevelt where other countries know that you can’t just step on Americans. However, I am not confident that McCain is the right republican to accomplish that. After all, he is no Roosevelt!

To be a man of conviction means that you state your stance, live by it and do not waiver. That doesn’t seem to be the case with McCain. He flip-flops, so it has become titles of various articles and websites. McCain’s has an economic plan to cut, no, eliminate our national deficit by the conclusion of his term. Huh! I need to see a copy of that plan because I find that VERY hard to believe. However, that won’t happen because his plan has no details provided at all. Although he says it does include using the savings from the Iraq and Afghanistan victories to pay down the debt. I could only interpret that to mean that he will be bringing home the troops; which is yet another flip flop. One month we are forecasting being there 100 years, the next interview we are saving money by quickly winning the war and bringing home our troops.

Trying to follow our candidate from one day to the next is getting me dizzy. One day I am with him and then the next he opens his mouth and nothing makes sense. Now, the tom foolery is coming out of the mouths of his advisors as well. I am getting to the point where I am considering staying home on Election Day. Hopefully, he selects a Vice President who will offer some balance and good stable conservative guidance to our hopeful. But for now, I will keep my eyes peeled for the light at the end of the tunnel.

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