Saturday, January 31, 2009
Indian Advertising concepts: Good, bad and the ugly
I can't imagine anyone skipping the Indian Linea advertisement on any channel. Indeed its no exaggeration if I say that a program will be skipped for this song and ad :)
I also loved the Vodafone ads, they always pump in something creative and their 'happy to help' ad concepts are incredible and try and evoke some sweet emotions, I would say. The Amaron batteries ads are also made very creative with some alien creatures and so are the Fevicol ads with great creativity. But if I am not sounding rude, I get a strong feeling that Fevicol ad makers seem to pour same old wine into new bottles. Don't you get a feeling that they should come out of their old school to make people watch their ads or buy Fevicol if any?
That apart, I want to know if you think along same line like me in writing off of some ads; I hate all of the Fair and Lovely and Fair and Handsome commercials. Miserable themes and lousy scripts altogether. I also can't stand the Zatak ads and some of the Axe deo ads. They are even branded and banned as obscene by various Asian governments. But Axe body wash ad theme is somewhat a good effort although it still kind of assaults women folk in general.
Special Bonding
The girl shows some kind of shyness when I call to her or see her. Still lovely thing is that she does'nt shy away to the extent she doesn't like to see me. I call her 'Ankita' and the sweet girl with that shy smile (I still love that) pops her head out, sees me with a smile and again digs her face into her mother's. But then she every now and then makes sure if I am there. I doubt she doesn't want me to leave that place.
That was the story of past......of late....
Without my own knowledge or intent, a secret rapport has developed between me and the small kid, Ankita. I believe this is not being noticed by any other people, including her mom - Only my daughter noticed this.
I call her and she as usual reciprocates with that shy-rich smile. She would still be burying her face in her mother's lap or shoulders but then slowly looks up and checks if I'm gone. If I am there, she tries to convey something in her own language (we dont share a common mother tongue). I wonder she now that I am indeed her friend. There is some trust and some kind of a what can be said, a speechless bonding that only we two share. I see her stretching her cute tiny fingers and she points out some things to me that maybe I would not have observed myself - that could be to another girl who would be jumping or dancing that she enjoys or at a small sparrow hopping here and there on the ground, or a small squirrel wagging her bushy tail while struggling to climb the tree or even at a millepede walking gorgeously along the aisle. Following her little fingers, I know I would see something ever so beautiful whenever I meet her.
Her face lights up to the extent you know I feel that the day will be brighter to me!
What is this 'this site may harm your computer' bug?
This site may harm your computer
And When I dared to click open the link I saw a page like this:
Return to the previous page and pick another result.
Try another search to find what you're looking for.Or you can continue to at your own risk. For detailed information about the problems we found, visit Google's Safe Browsing diagnostic page for this site.For more information about how to protect yourself from harmful software online, you can visit you are the owner of this web site, you can request a review of your site using Google's Webmaster Tools. More information about the review process is available in Google's Webmaster Help Center.
In my browsing history I have never seen a warning like this (for all sites and links). I first thought its the work of some virus program that my PC caught. But a few of my friends are complaining of the same.
I checked with two browsers the Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox to make sure its the same status with both.
The joke is even when I searched for the result had the same message. I also searched surfing through other search engines such as Yahoo, msn and Dogpile and found even they had the same.
So started wondering if the Internet as such taken in control by a nasty HACKER or if its a bug that could be easily fixed? To this point, I am writing this post, the bug is still there !
I only wish its fixed asap and we all have safe surfing experience like before again. Did at any time such a thing happened at all? I dont recall one. Do you?
Friday, January 30, 2009
If you have got two hens...
Check how various corporates deal with the two hens:
Conventional Corporate:
Sells one hen and buys a cock
The brood multiplies and so the economy improves
Sell the brood and then retire on income obtained.
American Incorporate:
You have two hens
You sell one and still force the other to produce eggs
You are aghast when the hen is dead
You have two hens
You go on a strike because you wanted 3 hens
Japanese Incorporate:
You have two hens
Redesign the hens to nano size of an original hen but still lays 30 eggs at a time
The make cartoon images, name ‘Henimon’ and trade them across the world
German Incorporate:
You have two hens
You will engineer them so they can live for 25 years, eat little, and lay once in a day
British Incorporate:
You have two hens
You assume both are useless
Italian Incorporate:
You have two hens
you don’t know where they are and you take a break
Swiss Incorporate:
You have 5,000 cows and none of which belong to you
You charge others for storing them.
Chinese Incorporate:
You have two hens
You will have 200 people taking care of the two
You will still claim full employment and high hen productivity
You will have the media reporter who disclosed the numbers arrested

The Harvard-educated First Lady walked gracefully in a gold-yellow shift that had a matching overcoat. The lady of substance and style carried a lot of poise and grace when she walked with Barrack Obama. Her gold-yellow brocade shift looked classy and the neutral color did reflect her state of mind and complemented the mood of the event too. I did like her teal shoes and the green gloves that matched her suit.
She didn’t over accessorize herself and a diamond brooche and studs suited perfect for her yellow shift and also the event. Isabel Toledo, the New York designer deserves all praises for designing the First Lady’s costumes for inauguration ball. To hire a native American for her costume shows the love and confidence Michelle Obama has in the American designers.
If you have not missed to see, Malia Obama came in outfits having BIV colors and Sasha Obama came in RO colors and Michelle Obama in YG. And you have the full spectrum of colors (VIBGYOR) worn by The First Lady and the First Girls, and you can’t ask for a better statement given to build the confidence and change the country needs especially when its facing worst ever economic slump.
Shilpa Shetty to appear without her tresses in The Desire
It is learnt that Shilpa Shetty who is a trained Bharatanatyam dancer is going to Shri Ratikant Mohapatra an Odissi exponent and guru for Odissi dance classes. Shilpa is playing an Odissi dancer in 'The Desire' and she proves her committment yet again. Way to go Shilpa!
But what for she had to forgo her thick and lustruous tresses? Is she donning a monk....keep running your imaginations wild!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Surf Excel Ad: Dirt is good
How adding a little emotion and sentiment in ad making get viewers emotionally connect:
It’s an old Surf Excel ad and we have seen it over and over on almost every Indian television channel but I just wanted to tell you how an emotional ad gives long lasting impact!
The storyline is this: Two cute kids; a brother and sister going to school. Sister reciting numbers, as to how bigger number 2 is over number 1 and suddenly she falls in a puddle. She starts crying and points her fingers to the puddle. The annoyed brother goes and literally hits the puddle asking it not to repeat to his sister (the result is so many stains on his and his sister’s clothes). He then says (after obviously tired beating the water) to his sister that the puddle is saying sorry. The sibling says okaay fine leave it. This fella turns back says …."never repeat this to her."
Overall, the ad conveys wonderful message Dirt is good. There are no big heads and big just a voice over still spreading the message that if something good prevails with stains, then stains are good.
And the tagline of the ad obviously goes like this: ‘Daag achhe hain’ or 'dirt is good.'
And, I would say that this innovative ad gave wings to my nostalgic childhood memories; how I spent those happy go lucky days and my parents gave me that freedom to spend such a childhood. I would say that the creative Love's team who made the ad hit the nail through head and probably educates even parents how to bring up kids than cutting through the brand alone. What say?
As product evolves advertizing of the same improves. And no better example than Surf detergent powder! We can expect more from surf excel as product and its ads! Great work!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Contemplating on buying An iPhone? Check This Out
First off, let’s go over some of the reasons why buying an Apple iPhone would be a wise investment. To start, it should not be discounted, although it has already been written off by some, that the iPhone houses within its parts an iPod. The iPod is the name in music on the go. Even if someone already owns an iPod or other mp3 player, the iPhone possesses the most technologically advanced (next to the almost identical iPod Touch—the iPhone without the phone capabilities) music player on the market.
Secondly, the Apple iPhone serves as a cell phone. In this day and age, it is hard to even survive without the ability to call up someone on the road or away from home. Of course, this also means that most people already have cell phones, but few possess the quality of the iPhone. Already, this item not only doubles as a phone and an mp3 player, but it doubles as the best phone and the best mp3 player; a two-in-one cellphone.
Finally, the iPhone has the most productive handheld web browser around. Not only can you purchase songs for your iPod portably now, but also you can replace most needs for a laptop computer. Save the ability to type large documents comfortably, the iPhone’s Internet browser offers the same online experience as any laptop or desktop computer. No other device on the market combines portable music, cell phone use, and Internet browsing into one, easy-to-use gadget.
Now, what are the cons of purchasing an Apple iPhone? To start, it should not be forgotten that the iPhone carries a steep price tag. And while the price maybe due to the fact that the device is the most technologically advanced thing on the market, the more frugal of customers might not be so impressed by it.
The answer to whether or not you should buy an Apple iPhone boils down to this. If you already own an iPod, already have a cell phone, and either had an internet-ready laptop or lack the desire for web browsing on the go, the iPhone is JUST NOT FOR YOU GUYS. But if you are a sucker for the newest in technology, would like to combine two or three of your gadgets into one—in a high end package no less, or simply have money to throw around, then the iPhone from Apple would be a wise investment and you can just freak on it and it has loads to offer you guys!
Those of you who didn't my earlier post on iPhone, check this out to know what an iPhone is
Plug-In Hybrid Cars- Answer To Over Exploitation of Fossil Fuels

Realizing that the current crop of hybrids is a good start, but not the ultimate answer, the state of California is upping the ante. The California Air Resources Board has ordered the states carmakers to begin producing plug-in hybrid vehicles, or cars that can tap in to electrical mains as a primary energy source. This may not be a bad idea, but is it really a step-up from the current hybrid set?
The hybrid vehicles on the market now are able to charge their batteries via an engine, resulting in low fuel consumption. The proposed hybrids charge batteries from the mains, which evidently will result in an even larger cut in fuel use.
California has told its automakers that at least 58,000 of these vehicles must be manufactured for sale between 2012 and 2014. Should the companies fail to follow the guidelines, their only recourse is to 25,000 vehicles with absolutely no emission. Failure to comply with one of the two orders will result in an unspecified punishment.
Being someone who believes that global warming is a severe threat to our way of life (or at least our future way of life), I applaud California for implementing such a plan. Obviously, current hybrids are not the solution. These new hybrids are probably not the ultimate fixes either, but they at least improve upon a great idea. If society continues to make gradual steps toward a more eco-friendly way of life, we just may kick this global warming yet.
Blu-Ray? How Is It Different From HD-DVD
This surprised me quite a bit. I thought that the fact that the Playstation 3 (a big supporter of Blu-Ray and an actual player in its own right) seemed to be struggling would signal an advantage for HD-DVD. Take this into account with the fact that the X-Box 360 (PS3 competitor and backer for HD-DVD) had a one-year head start; I just assumed that this format would pull away from Blu-Ray.
Additionally, I was under the impression that name recognition would give HD-DVD an advantage. Many people have HD televisions and almost everyone has a DVD player. It would then seem obvious, to me, that when faced with the choice of selecting an HD-DVD player or a Blu-Ray player, consumers would pick the HD-DVD format. I theorized that the name Blu-Ray would intimidate or confuse consumers. Evidently, I underestimated the buying public. Because not only is Blu-Ray the preferred medium for experts, it also has become the format of choice for the public.
At the end of the day, it probably does not matter which medium wins the format war (unless of course you purchased a now-obsolete HD-DVD player). I just hoped that the HD-DVD format would prevail, if only to put the ever-cocky Sony in their place. But now, I think it is time to move everyone on to the same page and make Blu-Ray a consumer-friendly and high quality for viewing films in the home.
Lithium ion batteries will now last for long
These researchers have created new energy for lithium ion batteries that increases a battery's life. This new battery averages an increase of over 30 percent in power compared to the current offering of lithium ion power supplies. These batteries also address a problem common in today's crop. While old lithium ion tended to lose its ability to recharge itself in a fairly short time span, the new batteries also improve upon the old set's length of life.
Finally, the new lithium ion batteries offer a safer alternative to the old. The chance of fire in an overcharged or damaged unit, quite common in old batteries, is virtually eliminated. In fact, up until a couple of weeks ago, the only hold-up in manufacturing these units was the inability to find a cost-effective producer. Enter Toda Kogyo.
This Japan-based company claims to have the capacity to build and manufacture 30 million laptop batteries a year. The scientists at Argonne think that Toda Kogyo is the ideal candidate to make their dream battery a reality for the average consumer. They have selected the company as their primary battery producer, but nothing has yet been confirmed as to when these units will begin showing up in computers and cell phones for consumers to purchase.
Whatever the timeframe is for these new lithium ion batteries to hit the market, I think it is safe to say that they will be a welcome sight. Any improvement, no matter how marginal, is beneficial when dealing with the limited lifespan of the current crop of batteries. Hopefully, this will prevent the dreaded out-of-power scenario (although it would probably take an infinite power supply to stop people from letting juice dissipate without charging) from continuing to be the recurring problem it is. I applaud these researchers, and I look forward to having these batteries available to purchase.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Fiat Linea India Commercial
Check Makob's 'Over the Bridge' in the YouTube right here
Anyways, that apart this song, 'because I am stuck at the sight of you' is the ad jingle that is especially made for the new sedan by Fiat, the new Fiat Linea
Check the song here Fiat_Linea_Song.mp3 (Courtesy )
The lyrics (I did transcribe after downloading the mp3 song...) go like this:
't was an ordinary day...
then you came by....
looking so fine...
Oh! You were divine...
Now I'm stuck at the sight of you...
Stuck the thought of you
There's a voice from inside
saying you're the best side....
my heart doesn't need to know
Oh! how you scream...
b'cause I'm stuck at the sight of you….Babe...
Stuck at the thought of you
stuck so stuck.........."
The music directors for the Ad commercial are Ehsaan and Loy (and what a job they've done? I heard that there are many DJs who are after the song) and the script for the Fiat Linea ad commercial was given by Sonal Dabral. The composition was sung by Clinton. The credit of directing the Fiat Linea commercial true to its tagline "Admiration Guaranteed" goes to Prasoon Pandey of Corcoise Productions. Bravo for the wonderful job. Some ad commercials are made to stay for so long in our hearts and this will be one!
I thought you might also be interested in reading this post
President Obama, you are the one with right mindset!
Barely 24 hours after taking over, President Barack Obama reiterated on investing $2 billion as global education fund. Kudos to president for identifying the education deficit and identifying education as a tool to set right the mindset of extremists which is the root cause of increased global terror.
"Liberal education can only be alternative to the otherwise extremist schools," remarks Obama and how I echo with his thoughts. He is one who is going to bring a sea change in the way the world looks! I love you President!
Innocence of children? Seems we paid it as price to technological advancements
The innocence a child harbors is such a wonderful thing that keeps the child untainted and enjoy in its own world of joy unlike what an adult sees the same world. It's distressing to see loss of innocence in some kids and children who see the world like an adult does. Where is their innocence going? Did we pay it as a cost so they learn about life super fast?
It was so disheartening to learn that children of 11 and 12 years get access to condoms (a school garbage in Bangalore had used condoms). Gone are the days where children had so much reverence to teachers and Internet is now their guru. If the parents fail to detect the signs and symptoms these children will take the path of crime and become a menace to the society.
Is there any remedies to this? Because childhood and innocence are inseparable and thats the best thing any parents can gift their child in the best interest of their kid as well as the world!
Monday, January 26, 2009
When is it we are learning to give respect to the national flag?
60 years and still......
In Port Blair, the Indian tricolor was unfurled upside down (:eeek:) and the irony is that the Lt. Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Bhopinder Singh, formerly served the Indian Army as Lt. General. Obviously, the Lt. Governor looked so disappointed yesterday after it was pointed out from someone in the crowd.
When asked for explantion buck passing continues, but as an Indian who savor the freedom and owe it to all those great leaders, I would like to see the officials involved in the faux pas suspended from their service for this national offence. It is such a pain to know this.
And again , in namma Bengaluru, our beloved CM BSY missed flag hoisting, for arriving 20 minutes late to the function. Yeddy also breached the protocol of arriving earlier than the Governor, and so had to miss hoisting of the flag. Honorable Governor Rameshwar Thakur hoisted the Indian tricolor in the absence of CM. When it comes to flag hoisting, we need to give attention to even minute details. But when is it the maha nethas going to learn?
Hooliganism by so-called Hindu moral police in Mangalore
These moral police belong to an outfit named Sir Rama Sena (literally mean Lord Sri Rama's brigade). Tell me where in Hindu culture would you see Lord Rama or his disciplines physically attacking or assaulting women? It's such a shameful act by Sri Rama Sena activists what they've done at the Amnesia Lounge Pub and Bar. And, Sri Rama Sena's national president, Pramod Mutalik owned the responsibilty. However, what made me ponder is that Mutalik justifying and substantiating the act further. He remarked, "we are ones who will not allow attack on Hindu culture. He further said "we've got information that they are all drug addicts....." He seem to be justifying that the Sri Rama Sene men did right by beating and driving the women out of the pub and takes pride that they did not molest them.
This Sri Rama Sena is a pro-Hindu organization which has its base in Hubli and it is Pramod Mutalik who floated this after bidding adieu to BJP and Bajrang Dal. I am all glad that the organization celebrates Hindu festivals in grandeur, being a Hindu myself. But this kind of moral policing will bring disgrace to the organization as well as tarnish the image of Hinduism per se which follows the path of tolerance. No where in the Hindu puranas or itihasas do we see women ill treated this way. And certainly will this be the so called Ramrajya?
What this Pramod Mutalik said shocked me. Manhandling a woman is an offence and media has footage of what happened? If the government has any guts arrest those dastardly cowards first.
If not snatching away one's freedom what is this called? And where are we going? The Taliban way, as the Women and Child Development Minister Mrs. Renuka Choudhary puts it? To drink and/or to dance in a pub by a girl/women is entirely her personal choice. Similarly how to dress is her personal choice.
What do you call interfering in one's freedom in the name of culture policing? I think this virus is seriously spreading from Maharasthra to Karnataka and a peaceful city like Mangalore is on world map for all wrong reasons today. CM? Wake up from your slumber! High time you step in and take stern action against the hooligans lest we will see Karnataka/India becoming another Taliban rajya and no Hindu woman will appreciate this, not even the women at home of Sri Rama Sena moral cops.
With due respects to Mutalik Saab!
Does it mean beating women in public protecting Indian culture and women? Give treatment to the roots that are collapsing the Hindu culture. Who are we to treat the symptoms of the problem, heh!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tribute to all those braveheart soldiers
The news broke in that it’s Mumbai once again
a soft target for anti-Indian elements to spread the element of terror in each and every spine
it was the NSG commandos who put up the brave fight
attempting to rescue every hostage who was affright
People watched all of this, as most television channels aired
admiration for the fighting NSGs multiplied; religions spared
and then there was a news that a brave commando fell dead
His mother cried, and every mother mourned
His colleagues saluted believing that their man died after doing the thing he felt right
and the nation will forever remember him as its beloved knight
maybe his father could hold back every drop of tear
the soldier who lay his life made the nation blear
the son of this soil is no mean wiffet
and gave the nation a reason to feel proud en effet
his efforts didn’t go in vain
because all of whom he saved are thankfully breathing life amain
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tour Down Under: Lance still wins hearts of fans!

Lance might have lost at the Tour Down Under, but didn’t disappoint his worldwide fans. After more than 3 years of hibernation, he’s returned back to professional cycling with the Tour Down Under and its no mean achievement.
The 37-year-old US cyclist had surely exceeded expectations of people, who most of them are his fans, on his return. I believe he will return to world-class form by May 2009 to give a fight at the Giro d’ Italia and in Tour De France by July 2009. Isn’t this telling the kind of a character that this cancer survivor is?
Lance Armstrong fought and survived a testicular cancer, which he was diagnosed in 1996. It was after diagnosed by the dreadful cancer that Lance won the Tour de France for seven times. Thanks to improved medical diagnostics and cancer treatment, Lance, post cancer treatment, is fighting back to come to professional cycling form. I believe he’s got what it takes to clinch another Tour De France title.
His life is an example to say that there is so much power in all of us to do if only there is that WILL to fight! Lance has got strength in his NAME, and he remains role model to cyclists as well as the fighters of cancer disease! Way to go Lance!.....err.....Way to cycle Lance!!
New Fiat Linea Indian Commercial song?
(Thanks to AsMi and Bravo your blog seems to be authority in ad campaigns. Loved it!)
It comes as background for the new Fiat Linea Ad commercial in India. The lyrics go something like this:
It was an ordinary day....then you came up to me...looking so were divine...
now I am STUCK at the sight of you.......STUCK the thought of you .......there's a voice from inside......because I'm STUCK at the sight of you..... babe...... STUCK..... at the thought of you ....STUCK
The song sounds pretty cool and romantic...tried searching several routes couldn't get much information but any help from any of you guys- very much appreciated!
The ad too scores a 10/10 concept perfect for the tagline The new Fiat Linea "Admiration Guaranteed" and the ad guarantees admiration from all corners. Bravo! Good work here.
Indian Judicial System A big mockery with countless pending cases!!
The National Law University celebrated annual Convocation the last Monday, and Vice President Bhairon Singh Shekawat had been there on the occasion. His Excellency, the Vice President, Bhairon Singh Shekawat was pointing at the pending cases in several courts of India that were in huge numbers. The Vice President warned, the graduating community, of the fury they may have to face from public should justice be not delivered on time. "The fury is building up," is what he said while addressing at the convocation of the National Law University, Jodhpur.
He also substantiated the reason for 3 crore plus pending cases in the various subordinate courts and about 35 lakh pending cases in various state High Courts and attributed partially to the vacancies in the respective courts for judges.
He remarked that there is a need to address these through multi-pronged initiatives which include and not limited to inflating the strength of judges, infrastructure of courts, modernizing the judicial process, encouraging alternate systems for dispute redressal and also reinforcing the Lok Adalats. He also suggests of the need for fast track courts to speed up dealing of serious crime cases, election dispute cases and corruption cases.
He also brought into limelight the growing distate for the Indian judicial system felt by commonman. He further brought into notice the languishing time of undertrials at various prisons and that some of them serving there for time longer than what could be the maximum term they could have been sentenced to, should they have been found guilty. He remarks that it is inhuman to have such inordinate delays in the trial of cases.
He urged the graduating lawyers to take cases of gross violation of the Fundamental Rights especially of below poverty line group of people and to exercise legal perception in dealing such cases and set themselves as role models.
Is it just another convoation speech or something that the graudating lawyers will take seriously? I remember former President Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam suggesting that every Supreme Court judge work for two hours in addition to what he does to close the pending cases, and set themselves as example for other judges to tackle backlog cases. But how many of the SC judges have taken this Man's word seriously? Even if there be one, I salute!
Chinese welcome new lunar year, the Year of Ox tonight the 26th January 2009

Ox is known to be fearless and has strong resolution to fulfill a task and not many people are blessed with this cThe typical Ox is a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness that the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task. Ox people work hard without complaints at work or at home. They know that they will succeed through hard work and sustained efforts, and do not believe in get-rich-quick schemes.
Celebrities born in the year of Ox: Napoleon Bonaparte, Charlie Chaplin, Dustin Hoffman, Walt Disney, Anthony Hopkins, Jack Nicholson, Eddie Murphy, Margaret Thatcher, Picasso, Meg Ryan, Princess Diana, Meryl Streep, Richard Nixon, Barack Hussein Obama, are a few celebrities who were born in the year of Ox.
According to Joy Lim, a reputed Feng Shui Consultant, Year 2009 will be a year of resilience and other Feng Shui experts echo with Lim that despite global economic slowdown, the Year of Ox 2009 can bring some respite with some patience and perseverance. Only when the failures are faced with the results of success could be felt. Endurance is the keyword and the Chinese are looking forward to it come Year of Ox 2009. Feng Shui believes in displaying ‘fu’ on doors as well as walls to descend that luck. The lucky charms include golden Buddhas, tiny gold bells that Chinese believe ring in the luck for their families.
Chinese New Year, the Year of Ox 2009 or ‘li Chou’ is welcomed today night. The Chinese clear all the clutter in the living space and throw off the junk and then welcome their new year into their homes. They also believe that there is nothing obstructing flow of natural elements through doors and windows and that good fortune comes through the doors.
They will have a night feast where families reunite and people working elsewhere come home and join the feast and it’s the first holiday in the Chinese calendar. To have all family members join at the feast will certainly add to health and longevity of people and Chinese believe in this very strongly.
Dragon dances and fireworks will mark the celebration of Chinese New year in the Chinatowns of various places.
The celebration of the Chinese New Year traditionally begins on the first day of the first lunar month in the Chinese calendar and ends 15 days later with the observance of the Lantern
Tips to maintain an LCD
*See that the polariser surface does not receive any scratches, as the surface is very sensitive and soft which could be damaged by even a small scratch. Touching, rubbing, or pushing the polariser surface with any hard abrasive material is a strict NO.
*Keep the surface clean. Use hand glove before cleaning the surface of LCD screen. Use n-Hexane on an antistatic cloth and clean the surface.
*Water can spoil the LCD by an electrical short or corrosion. Remove water carefully if there is accidental spill of water.
*See that there is no sudden temperature and humidity changes in place where LCD is kept. An LCD cannot be used in areas of high temperature or high humidity.
*Keep the LCD away from corrosive gas as it can damage the circuit and/or the polariser of the LCD.
*Do not operate LCD under same pattern as it can damage the screen usage and turn the power off when not in use and change the use pattern regularly.
Shivamani Kannada Movie Review

Banner: SJP Creations
Producer: Jagannath V Pai
Story, Screenplay, Dialogues, Direction: SK Amarnath
Cinematography: Sree Venkat
Music: Veer Samarth
Stunts: Anal Urs
Editor: Suresh Urs
Cast: Sri Murali, Sharmila Mandre, Shobaraj, Vinaya Prakash, Avinash, Ramesh Bhat, Kote Prabhakar, etc.
How the hell I came to such a movie is what I uttered at the Intermission of the Shivamani movie. The director of the film S K Amarnath must have lost his logical thinking while scripting the story. It appears that the story is only designed for Murali and it’s quite obvious when you see Murali’s stunt sequences which may or may even not appeal the mass and front row seaters. For producer, the Pai Group’s Jagannath V Pai, though, who forayed into sandalwood film production with this shitty film. No doubt, the Pai group tried to promote the movie but he would have been in state of a shock if not coma for Shivamani’s openings.
I was smitten by this out and out rubbish called Shivamani for about 145 minutes and I am unsure if I have to sympathize with the Shivamani crew or lambast them for taking Kannada audience granted.
It’s so unfortunate to see Sri Murali’s talent being untapped. So sad, Murali still tried to impress the audience in emoting some drama and sentiment from a script that hardly got anything other than stunts. To have big off-screen crew such as Vira Shankar and Sree Venkat working for this crap surprised me. However, Veer Samarth’s music and Sree Venkat’s cinematography are the feel good factors if any for the movie Shivamani.
The storyline is weak, and the screenplay makes it weaker and director S K Amarnath failed to do his best in his debut directorial, and it gives a feeling that he jumped the gun little too earlier. Maybe he needs to go to Pune and take a diploma course in contemporary film direction. He seemed to have influences of the 60s and 70s Indian cinema. The fight sequences which are poorly picturised defying logic will only reiterate this. The hero successfully actually grounds 20+ big-bodied goons each and every fight, and there are over 10 stunt sequences throughout the movie. As Shivamani movie ends audience will become immune to the goried scenes.
Film is poorly woven around college romance between Shivamani and her lady lead Shruthi (Sharmila Mandre). Shivamani is raised as an orphan by a good samaritan and he grows into a person who’s intolerant to societal wrongs and tries to correct. It is this character that is liked by his college mate Shruthi. Shivamani later meets a couple and realizes that they are his birth parents, but keeps estranged from them for obvious reasons. Mafia leader Naga’s sycophants receive some bashing up treatment from Shivamani and that’s how he becomes hostile to Naga (played unimpressively).
Sri Murali by all means tried to impress as Shivamani, but he wasn’t given enough space other than showing his bare chest and muscles. Shivamani tackles 30 baddies at a time during the last fight. How long Kannada audience will cheer such nonsense? And to add to woes those irritating punchy counter dialogues, which I doubt anyone will be impressed with. Comedy track runs along the villains which is in bad taste.
Although, Shivamani movie takes off with a nice hummable tune ‘Badatanekke ambuva chinte’ the nice part ends there and we got to take all rubbish for 2 plus hours that Shivamani has for us. Sharmila Mandre looked beautiful, but other than that she has nothing more to offer in Shivamani. Even acting pros Avinash, Ramesh Bhat and Vinaya Prasad had nothing much to offer in the movie. S K Amarnath fails in all aspects of direction and you will heave a sigh of relief once you see the end card.
Verdict: Shivamani movie is a poorly blended cocktail tasting awful. In all mercy, it can be given a C rating.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Kannada Movie Jollydays Movie Review

Director: M D Sridhar
Music: Micky J Meyer
Jollydays movie review, and ask me how close it is to perfection, I will say it gets 8.5/10. This is my first Kannada movie review in my blog, but thought I will share with you my experiences of watching the Jollydays movie. I just loved watching the movie as well as reviewing it for you people! It’s a remake of the Telugu blockbuster hit movie Happy Days from the pen of Shekhar Kammula who is also the director of the film in Telugu.
Director M D Sridhar doesn’t go off the track and reproduces the original Happy Days in his Jollydays. One aspect of the film that keeps you stop blinking is that everyone can relate to the film especially the good old college days. If you are not reminded of the ragging, you will be reminded of the freedom-full hostel life or those that days you would have spent with friends teasing and ragging or the crushes you would have developed during those days. Every youth identifies him/her in the characters of Jollydays movie and the movie is successful in letting us all enjoy again the beauty of college life.
The director M D Sridhar manages very well to strike the chord with the emotions of the Kannada movie audience. The story line of the film might be thin but it runs fast on a very well written screenplay. Both on-screen as well as off-screen crew of the Jollydays movie supported the screenplay very much to make this a must watch to say the least. Jollydays movie is a heart touching experience and will certainly take you through a nostalgic feeling. If you have not experienced one, something wrong must be within you and not the movie.
Jollydays story takes off with first day of entering into an Engineering college, where the main leads start their life as engineering students, and the movies ends with last day and the farewell. Director churned in all of the teenager’s emotions in perfect proportions and takes one teenager’s life as example showing how his persona matures from the day he enters to a fighter who is willing to face the real challenges of the outside world, by the time he graduates from the college. Pictureperfect way of ending!
Coming to the technicalities: The cast chosen for Jollydays movie are new, but you agree that they are pictureperfect, because you will not see an actor in the film but see the character itself. Jollydays music is given by Micky J Mayer who has also given for the Telugu original and you would say he is apt for the Jolly Days movie. I will give 10/10 for the soothing background score and the peppy song numbers. Lyricist Kaviraj perfectly complemented Micky Meyer with his great nostalgia evoking lyrics. You will actually fail to figure out which song stands out, because all of them are so cool (probably after Mungaru Male I fell in love again with Jollydays music and songs as such). Indeed I was actually in trans for over 4 hours after watching the Jollydays movie, and no doubt the songs take 50% of the movie’s credit.
Camera work by Krishna Kumar is commendable and you will just love the places, he has shown on screen, and they are all from our own state Karnataka. Almost all of the artists performed close to perfect but special mention goes to debutante Vishwas who was outstanding. I reckon a bright future for this boy. Keep it up Vishwas!
Coming to flip side of Jollydays movie:
Weak story line (not every college goer come out with a partner heh?).
Raaz 2 Movie Review

I had to admit that Raaz 2 movie may not be one great horror thriller of he Indian cinema, but it is still worth watching once and when you have a stretched weekend like this, you can definitely head to the theaters to watch Emraan Hashmi and Kangana Ranaut who are just outstanding.
Raaz The Mystery Continues opens with heroine’s narration about ghosts and guess you can't ask for a better opening than this for a thriller. Kangana played the model named Nandita Chopra and she ramps so gorgeously. Nandita falls in love with a documentary filmmaker Yash Dayal (Adhyayan Suman) who does TV reporting before breaking into direction. He directs a reality show named Andhvishwas (Yowzat! Now call it coincidence?) which opens to rave reviews and wins accolades from all quarters of society.
While the relationship between Nandita and Yash Dayal continues, she meets a weird painter artist Prithvi (Emraan Hashmi) who predicts her future through what he paints. She comes to know of a looming threat to her life but has all doubts to or not to believe about Prithvi’s predictions. But she slowly starts experiencing horror and Prithvi tries to rescue the girl. Yash is one who will not give to blind faiths (as his reality show is titled) or supernatural powers.
Now here comes the Raaz the mystery continues…
What’s that Prithvi foresee happening in Nandita's life? Whether what he’d foreseen all happen to Nandita? Will Yash believe the existence of possessions? Who succeeds in saving Nandita Chopra, Yash Dayal or Prithvi? Whether he succeeds in saving her life all form the rest of the movie and trust me you will like watching the movie.
The redeemable factor of Raaz The Mystery Continues is none other than Emraan Hashmi and this man is a load of acting smarts. I also loved Kangana Ranaut as much when she walked the ramp and as much when becomes possessed. She is another good factor in the film. Both Emraan and Kangana deserve an A rating for their brilliant performance. While Emraan slimmed down a bit you will see Kangana put on some extra kilos here and there, she's still carried herself beautifully.
Mohit Suri is successful and I would say the pre-interval session keeps you bite your nails off with loads of suspense and horror. Mohit Suri’s efforts behind the camera are wonderful; not too much of bloodcurdling but yes justified. However, Suri seem to have lost a hold and the second half film doesn’t live to viewer’s expectations. After taking to a good high during the first half, the second half falls and fails to take it another high. I would still reckon that a few scenes involving Kangan thrill you.
Adhyayan Suman didn’t inherit the acting and spontaneity of his father Sekhar Suman. His father should take interest in sending the boy to a dialogue and acting school and not a GYM. He needs to take some crash course on acting if he is serious of taking acting as his career. He still appears raw and in many scenes his expressions remain clueless and horrid. I still say the movie saw Adhyayan better with good screen presence after the interval. Emraan seem to have been sidelined and Adhyayan given more focus by the Bhatts. Maybe high time for Emran Hashmi to bid an adieu to his godfather’s camp and move ahead believing just in him. He’s certainly a matured actor and doesn't need anyone to back him up.
The music and the songs are very good (like you expect from any of the Vishesh Films and especially the song 'Maahi Ve' is one you will listen from everyone once the film is over) but I loved the re-recording part very much and it does keep you on the edge of your seats. The climax is not cooked in right proportions and it didn't taste good(I guess that’s the reason why Indian horror films fail to stand with Hollywood horror flicks). Just like any other Indian horror film it also fails to score a great finish.
Raaz 2 movie review will be given a B+ rating from me. And, let me tell you that you one take one slot of your weekend for this horror suspense thriller and you will not be disappointed. So, whats that you are still pondering? Get ready for some spooking this weekend, Raaz the Mystery Continues has those elements in abundance for you, and if you hit the theater without any expectations on the movie Raaz 2 you get your ticket's worth. If you liked my Raaz 2 movie review, make a comment on the post that'll let me know visit my blog often because I love to update you on the forthcoming films too.
**If you don't enjoy hair-raising sequences, please stay off the movie.
We’ve not known what seatbelts are and how airbags look like, and most of us never had a chance of sitting in a car (if one came and was parked in front of a house I remember we thought they were too rich or someone from Mars to even talk) …
and moms gave babies to neighbors and were not protecting them in a hi-fi crèche or carrying them in prams …no …no …they’ve not been exposed to any lead-based colors…or those toys whose plastics could choke a baby or whose colors could be very harmful ……and no mineral water and no paper napkins (if a kid had a real bad runny nose, an elder one in the gang would wipe it off with her skirt or a frock …..and they didn’t know uttering chheeeeeeees or chhaaaaaaaas).
And for women or mothers.....
To open kitchen cupboard it wasn't any hassle …most of them are open type and even if they were closed type …..noone knew of the cockroach tabs or lakshman rekhas or locks …all they knew was cockroaches and rats living along with their families.
And tell about cycling? It was more of a free wheeling ….… and I recall three of us also cycled together. Moms were never worried of falls or injuries. So they didn’t tie head inside a helmet or pack knees inside a cap or cover elbows inside elbow pads,……if the mothers were creative they tied some rattle between 2 spokes so it made ratata sound and it made kids gleam with smiles …
kids were kept busy collecting so much stuff from roadside (I myself was so much interested in collecting bolts and nuts) and tried to build all sort of things … (there was no POGO MAD show that time) and they never knew of the malls that could make their Sundays.…
kids were as tough as one would imagine walking on walls climbing trees and then trying a free fall jumping down for the sake of fun…. we as kids had envious stamina to stay out in the sun and in the rain to play for hours together (I recall asking my mother for extension of 30 minutes every time and never kept a time), and played up and down the stairs coming home only for dinner (and there were no rules of table manners, and all we knew is to eat like a race so we had the thrill of a win).
we walked to and fro school, or if lucky sit behind a friend who pedaled his bicycle (we never imagined of existence of school buses that have air conditions and videos played).
no mobile phones yet all friends and relatives seem so connected …. God knew how?
we lost teeth, got cuts, burnt fingers, broke arms fractured legs, had bruises and bloody noses……yet no complaints that he pushed or she threw stone, and believed it was part of so much fun
we ate whatever in sight, sour unripe tomatoes in garden or the smallest of ber fruits of tree, mango buds, candy floss, sugary drinks sold roadside, this and that, …..still grew skinny fooling people around.
And, if someone had a mouthful of cake piece it was a loot from his mouth by a gang of 10, and surprisingly no one complained of an upset stomach or complained of germs...
sunday evening get togethers were mostly story tellings and I recall most of them to be ghost stories and narration of goried accidents.....yet we are the same senstive ones crying for someone's pain and feeling at someone's loss..
no Play Stations, no MP4s and MP3s, no Nintendo's, iPods, no video games, no cable TV, no chat-rooms, no internet, etc ... and real friends was all we’ve had!
we've never had any inhibitions to go call a friend to come out to play from his backyard and never had bodyguards,
we played teacher-students, doctors and patients, hide and seek, all repeatedly ……without ever getting bored.
…..then in 90’s we have seen advent TV with the famous Doordarshan and we’ve had
Siddharth Basu’s Quiz Time
Wednesday night’s Lucy Show
Sunday afternoon’s Alpha Plus by Derek O’ Brien
....and the long long series of Ramaanand Sagar’s Ramayan
And, how can we forget those news readers on Doordarshan like the ever charming Salma Sultana,
the moled Neethi Ravinder, the charming too much Rini Khanna (I remember her as Rini Simon too), the stiff seated Geetanjali Aiyer, the so capitivating Tejinder Singh....
Do you remember of Surabhi (countless times I would’ve replied to the question) and how can anyone forget the sweet smile of Renuka Sahane and Siddarth Kak’s ending of the program?
and those two songs coming as soon as the Wednesday Chitrahar breaks off (there were no ad wars)
…….Vicco turmeric,
Nahin cosmetic
Vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream
Triiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiinggggggg...................Washing powder Nirma, Washing powder Nirma
Doodh si safedi, Nirma se aayi ..............Rangeen kapde bhi khil khil jaaye…
We’ve had that melodious Sare Jahan Se Achcha and Mile Sur Mera Tumahara ……as household songs and the latter featuring all of the Bollywood stars, and I still recall the song and its beautiful picturization (could anyone beat that? I doubt).
.....we failed in exams yet given another chance …….and there were no visits to child psychologists, psychiatrists or student counselors…….all we got is one or two scoldings by mother and father (and they were not worried of any suicidal attempts by kids).
....those were the days… when we’ve had enough freedom, achieved success, went through disappointments and took responsibilities……. while still respecting elders and every others…
I proudly belong to that generation. Are you too?……connecting to your childhood through this small post. If it at least reminded you of one childhood evening, I will be glad you are at least de-stressed and believe it would have put a small smile on your face.
Old is worth more than gold…
Is the mobile you are using legal or illegal?
The grey markets of every big city are glutted with more of Chinese handsets. So what? They pose a security threat. According to intelligent agencies, these used Chinese handsets would have been used by people with malicious intent like mafia or terror groups. The Karnataka government is contemplating a ban on such handsets that do not have IMEI or International Mobile Equipment Identity which is unique for every mobile. The handsets without the IMEI number must have been in the hands of antisocial elements and so it’s advised never to buy even it’s a cheapie. After all, you don’t like police people grill you the next day. Do you?
Unfortunately, to escape ban the makers are planning to introduce fake IMEI numbers. But you can still resist them asking for another set and you’d see the IMEI number featuring on that handset as well. Remember for each set it would be different and when these phones or handsets are outlawed never buy and land behind bars.
An IMEI number would come in 15 to 17 digits and when a SIM gets activated this IMEI number gets recorded with the service provider making it possible to trace the caller’s identity and even the location from where one makes the call using the handset. Even if you have lost the cell you can get it traced with IMEI number.
Where to see the IMEI number on a handset?
Under the battery usually IMEI number is displayed. It will be 15 to 17 digits with no letters or slashes. The first 15 numbers is very important.
In case you did not find IMEI under the battery, press *#06# on the keypad and the IMEI number gets displayed on the screen. You can jot down and save for future references.
For Motorola handsets, you need to press # followed by * followed by right arrow- all in very quick succession and you can see IMEI displayed on screen.
You can try all of these but your Chinese handsets cannot display one but might hold the danger of landing you in a Police station. So did you get what it means to have Chinese handsets with/without IMEI? folks! Resist the temptation of throw away prices.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tata Motors Assured Launched: Pre-owned car operations by Tata Motors kick starts
Of late, the pre-owned car market in India is mostly in the hands of unorganized market players and with the advent of a big player like Tatas we can expect great benefits to used car buyers. The Tata Motors Assured launched with a motive to create a transparent platform where both buyers and sellers of Tata cars have one-stop place to buy or sell Tata cars.
‘Tata Motors Assured’ is available initially in 10 big cities of India with 15 dealers. The cities include Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Ludhiana, and Vapi. Once the program goes well it will be expanded phase wise to all over India through the network of Tata Motor dealers.
Buying a pre-owned Tata car under ‘Tata Motors Assured’ program implies that the car is certified by Tata Motors for quality. The freebies include one-year and/or 20,000 km warranty by the company with 3 free services. The offer valid throughout India where there is network of Tata Motors dealers.
Hopefully, Indian used car buyers will make use of the Tata Motors Assured and avail of the benefits. Since taxi market is huge under the private used car sellers, the prices and quality are not the same and only lucky few will strike a deal once in a while. Thanks to the Tata Motors Assured every Tata car (pre-owned) buyer is guaranteed of quality. The price for some may be a little higher, but you get the services and certification by Tata Motors Assured.
The car will pass through a quality control by the company’s owned trained technicians and the company promises to replace with genuine Tata spares. And should you equate all of this buying from Tata Motors Assured becomes cheaper and a wiser choice of buying any of the Tata cars under one roof.
I believe Tata Motors Assured will be embraced by people and becomes a great success just like the Maruthi True Value.
Honda Wave 110i is launched

The looks of the Wave 110i scooter are first of all very trendy and when spotted on roads could be eye turner for sure. To me, Wave 110i is more fit to be called as motoscooter than a scooter. The new commuter scooter, Wave 110i is designed by incorporating cutting-edge technology of Honda; the PFM-FI technology (Programmed Fuel Injection) which is an electronic supported fuel injection system, delivering appropriate amounts of fuel for each cylinder. The new suits smaller motorcycles and smaller displacement scooters. This PGM-FI technology is a registered trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd and this ensures better control of fuel combustion through accurate amounts of fuel. It also means you can start the engine super fast and the scooter delivers more power (25% more than its forerunner Wave 100). The emission loads is also reduced, thereby giving greater fuel economy (18% greater fuel economy as compared to its predecessor Wave 100). The scooter runs on a 4-stroke engine and comes with either drum brakes or the disc brakes depending on the variant you choose (about 3 variants to choose from). Wave 110i is available in 8 colors and priced at 34,000 Thai Bhats. Honda aims to sell about 4 lakh units of Wave 110i every year and seeing success of Wave 125cc it doesn’t look impossible. Thanks to also the PGM-Fi technology which should boost the sales of new Wave 110i.
Probably, if Wave 110i scooter is a success there in Thailand, we can hope to see it foray into the Indian scooter market as well. For now, its all waiting.
Bajaj XCD 135 cc DTS-Si is launched: A preview of the bike

Bajaj Auto Ltd Managing Director, Rajiv Bajaj remarks at the launch of the bike that the new XCD DTS-Si will have so many added attractive features besides power. The styling of the new Bajaj XCD DTS-Si with its international features is going to appeal strongly to the bikers. The MD says that XCD DTS-Si bike comes in 2 versions; the 135cc and the 125cc.
Bajaj Auto Ltd, India’s number 2 and the country’s very popular bike maker made the new XCD 135cc DTS-Si redefining the style with of course the successful DTSi engine which otherwise is a rightful technology belonging to only Bajaj Pulsar models. The Digital Twin Spark Ignition (DTSi) enables very efficient combustion of fuel and gives enhanced performance under extreme conditions. The engine produces a power of 10.5 bhp with 11PS and displaces
The mid-segment which is 125cc segment will see new launches and now the Bajaj XCD Sprint 135cc DTS-Si comes with a full digital instrumentation tweaked digital console and sports a digital speedometer, odometer, the tail lamps fitted with LEDs, electric start, and stylish fuel tank cap. The rear suspension is with gas-filled NITROX shock absorbers and the front suspension is a DU bush. Bajaj XCD DTS-Si also comes with 5-speed gear transmission and disc brakes (and yes optional disc brakes both front and rear). The fuel tank is aerodynamic in design. All of these features fixed within Rs. 46,000 and Rs. 51,000 range is something that is only possible on the part of Bajaj Auto.
When the world suddenly becomes gray and bleak for you….
Realize what’s happening to you and talk to either of the parents or even a counselor.
Try and maintain healthy and regular sleeping habits ensuring that you get 8 hours of sleep every night.
Eat three balanced meals and drink a minimum of 6-8 glasses of water. Never over snack (which happens with most people and you know the outcome of it).
Cut down your caffeine intake to one or two cups of coffee a day.
If you are a singer or one who love music listen to some soothing numbers and singing your favorite numbers also helps you from the ‘low down’ feeling. If you are a writer do some writing, and I often indulge in this and it does work great to me.
Join any fitness program at a neighborhood gym or take aerobics class. In fact, do anything that can get you moving and it will be quite helpful.
These are the dont’s:
Don’t give to excess smoking of cigarettes and alcohol intake as well.
Don’t discuss about you and the reasons that led you let down with someone who’s not interesting in giving you the time you want from him/her.
Don’t give to random relationships or one-date stands to ward off the feelings of loneliness.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Kinetic Nova 135cc Review - A Novaholic’s confessions!!

Kinetic Nova 135cc is also the first gearless 135cc scooter in India and is an improvised model of the Nova DLX version. Unfortunately, the Nova DLX was a disastrous model from Kinetic people after the very successful Kinetic itself. People expected so much from the looks and the 110cc Nova DLX failed to live up to people’s expectations.
The shock was enough and Kinetic engineers must have poured their heart and soul while engineering the Nova 135cc and you will believe that I am not exaggerating only if you take a test drive of Nova 135cc or if you are an old owner of it just like me.
The metro sexual scooter looks great with Eurostyling and Nova 135cc suits to either sexes. Body is available is double colors. There are 2 rear view mirrors. The build of the body is plastic (believe me its quite sturdy) made. If other scooter brands are giving the mobile charger facility inside the glove box maybe after 2007, I would say that it’s an innovation of Kinetic, Nova 135cc is the first scooter to have that. Lift the seat and you will actually be surprised to see such huge under-seat storage. It actually allows you to buy one month’s worth of a grocery or put two helmets together (in some states where pillions also need to wear a helmet can use this space itself). The storage space also houses 2 small LED lights on either side and they lit up once the seat is lifted, and I still remember how many people peeped in to see that feature at petrol pumps.
Engine of Kinetic Nova 135cc is a single-cylinder, 4-stroke, air-cooled one with actual 134.9 cc displacement delivering maximum power of 8.65 bhp @6500 rpm and produces a maximum torque of 10nm at 4500 rpm and has non-geared variomatic type of a transmission. The low torque implies that its acceleration is too good and it outscores other competitors in fuel economy. And the power is good enough for us to take 3 people along. Never I felt that my Nova was gasping to carry even heavier persons. It has a self-start as well as kick start options. I was initially struggling to rest the vehicle on the main stand but now I can do it with ease.
The horn is quite loud and clear (in fact many times people thought it were a car when I honked. J). The fuel tank can accommodate 6.5 liters petrol. Wheels are aluminum alloy type and broad enough to give that balance and stability. The front tyre is a puncture-resistant puff-up tube one, when even when the tyre punctures it can take you safely to a puncture man. Then, Nova 135cc has AAHO technology, meaning Advanced Acceleration and Handling Optimizer.
I am one shortie, and I’d had that glitch of reaching the ground, but it was only for the initial months. As of now very comfortable with the height factor as well, and would proudly say that my Nova 135cc is my very reliable friend that I am madly in love with. Ah! And, you wanted to know the mileage? It runs 45 km per liter on the city roads and as I didn’t go beyond Kengeri (Bangalore) can't tell you about the highway mileage, but believe me it should be over 50 km per liter easily and not less than 50kmpl.
Left over rotis? Check what I made out of them!
In fact we can do few things with these left over rotis, but the important thing here is to remember that rotis are made crisper before processed further. Here is what you can do:
Divide the roti into whatever shape or size and oven at 150 degrees Celsius, until they become crisp.
Make salsa of chopped coriander leaves, tomato, red pepper (even a green capsicum would do), garlic paste and lime. Add salt and pepper to taste to the salsa prepared. Use this salsa as topping to the roasted roti pieces and tell me if it doesn't make a good snack. Because we in our family loved the snack.
Optional: People who love curd can take generous curd and add salsa to it and can eat roti pieces with this.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
February? And this month has so much in store for all!

TVS Scooty Streak: A Preview

Scooty will now pave way to its new kid, the new TVS Scooty Streak, which is the latest addition to their portfolio. I had the chance to sneak into a TVS showroom today when I’d been to Mathikere to give my 135 cc scooter for servicing. The all-new 4-stroke scooterette TVS Scooty Streak seemed like it greeted me with a Hi. I am not a weirdo, but I talk to my scooter and love driving and my vehicle so much that I talk to it literally.
And yes! TVS Scooty Streak sported certainly impressive newer looks relative to Scooty. But I did notice that the double-colored body sentiment has been retained, and it’s only the styling that received much of a tweaking. I can vouch that it is going to appeal the late teens and early 20s’ college population. I especially liked the protuberant striking snout of the front and believe that Scooty Streak can complement a women office commuter’s style and their combination will look cool.
And a 4-stroke Scooty Streak runs on a LiTech engine (a lithium-ion based battery technology). So what? It offers several advantages such as enhanced performance and safety as well as low cost. To support the battery performance, the Scooty Streak is fitted with LED tail lamps, which consume very little power. The headlamp looks as if it’s sporting a smile and I just liked it. I also liked the new side turner lamps, which are elongated triangles and mounted on the sides of the body apron.
The seat contour may be something that TVS is trying and I would love to know how people are going to receive it. Leave that, if you want to know the shock absorption talents of Scooty Streak, well the aluminum shock absorbers are cool and as good as they can be for a 100cc scooter so the ride will be definitely smooth and bump free. In addition, the tyres seem to be broader than Scooty and it will ensure stability and balance. The tyres also are skid resistant according to company sources, so one can freak on a Scooty Streak even on a rainy day.
The glove box houses a mobile charge facility and its cool. The glove box can also be locked. The under seat luggage space is also big enough and the fuel tank is behind under the seat. Mirrors are of the same color as the body and adds to the looks. The footboard is broad and not clumsy.
The 100cc plus Scooty Streak gives better performance than its forerunner Scooty series. The TVS Scooty Streak promises to give best in class mileage and fuel efficiency. TVS Scooty Streak will come under Rs. 40,000 ex-showroom and if you are planning to buy a scooterette to your son or daughter or your young wife, you can go ahead and get one and gift them a TVS Scooty Streak. You have TVS quality and I am not one who is needed to vouch for the TVS’ servicing and customer support.
TVS Scooty Streak is designed and developed to position against big ones from Honda, Suzuki and Kinetic. Basically, Scooty Streak compete with Suzuki Access, Aviator and Kinetic 4S. But as I see this, I think they will not even come close to Scooty Streak in terms of competition. They will be looked as big scooters and only middle-aged male population will look at these with intention of buying them. Quite the contrary, teens (both sexes), the 20s (again both sexes) and the 30s (the ladies) will eye on the new TVS Scooty Streak, and TVS aimed it for the metro sex and can be as grand a success as Scooty is. The new TVS Scooty Streak comes in 5 bold colors; Red, Black, Blue, Pink and Mauve all perfect for metro people. If my TVS Scooty Streak review helped you in anyway to zero in, will you let me know? Happy Scootying on the new Scooty Streak!
TV9 Launches news channel

Come today the country will have a new national news voice from South, precisely from Bangalore. The local news channel TV9 launches a 24-hour English news channel in Bangalore. The local kannada news channel TV9 is quite a popular channel and finds a lot of favor with the sandalwood celebrities, healthcare people, NPOs and even politicians.'
Now the successful channel TV9 together with ABCL takes a leap further and sets its sights on the basically the local news and targets the upwardly mobile young audience and news9 future plans include coverage of the Indian and international news in the most preferred language, English and launches its all new News9 channel Bangalore. The test signal is on air right now and I take pride as a Bangalorean and wish from my heart all the very best to News9 channel. Hopefully, the news people cover facts and takes the name of Bengaluru high on the world map.
Make sure you all 'catch the big news live' from news9 channel Bangalore!
Laugh out loud!!
And now for a change ........when a Sardar acts smart...
A Sardar, a German and a Pakistani got arrested consuming alcohol which is a severe offence in Saudi Arabia , so for the terrible crime they would all be sentenced with 20 whip lashes each.
The three will be preparing for the punishment, and the Sheik announced: "It's my first wife's birthday today, and so she has asked me to gift you with one wish each before you are whipped."
Thrilled at this..
The German thinks for a while and says "please tie a pillow to my back." This was done, but the pillow did last for 10 lashes and then the crying and bleeding German had to be carried away.
Then Pakistani was up. After watching the German in horror, he says smugly: "please fix two pillows to my back." But even two pillows could not last for 20 whip lashes and could only take 15 lashes. The Pakistani was also led away whimpering loudly.
The Sardar was the last one up, but before he could say anything, the Sheikh turned to him and said: "You are from the most beautiful part of the world, and your culture is one of the finest in the world. For this, you may have two wishes!"
"Thank you, your Most Royal and Merciful Highness," Sardar replies. "In recognition of your kindness, my first wish is that you give me not 20, but 100 lashes."
"Not only are you an honorable, handsome and powerful man, you seem to be very brave." Sheik says with an admiration on his face. "If 100 lashes is what you desire, then so be it. And what is your second wish?" the Sheik asked.
Sardar smiles and replies, "Tie the Pakistani to my back"
Maruthi Alto: A review

If you check out this small yet cute little car, Alto, I would summarize in one phrase that Maruthi Alto is worth a drive to find out what you’ve been looking for in a family car. Ask me for the looks, I would say its cute yet contemporary. It also looks bigger and sturdier than its predecessor the Maruthi 800. It can be taken that Alto is a reliable update and cross between a Maruthi Zen and a Maruthi 800.
Maruthi Alto is bigger than the 800 version and a smaller one than Zen. It has a perky 1100 cc engine with multipoint fuel injection (MPFI) system, which performs well and is defiant even on what are called disastrous kind of Indian roads. The power steering is optional and comes with the Lxi and Vxi models. Power steering, I would say is a thrill on traffic jammed roads and enables you to inch out and swim through with such ease.
Alto gives a mileage of 18-20 km per liter with AC on and 20-22 without the AC. No wonder Maruthi Alto is adjudged by customers as the best entry level car and is fast becoming the most preferred and sensible choice for the conservative middle class car buyers. Will you believe that there are over 1 million Maruthi Alto cars plying on Indian roads? And for sure to me, Maruthi Alto had been a fun to drive.
The LX model is the most-value-for-money version of the Alto and its features:
Engine: Four-valved MPFI with about 1061 cc displacement
Acceleration: Alto vrooms 0-100 kmph in 20 seconds and does a max of 160 kmph delivering a maximum power of 45 bhp and 6000 rpm.
Colors: Alto is sold in Solid bright red, Laguna blue, cool silver, Miami gold, Coral beige and Superior white, wine red, Carribean blue, brilliant yellow colors.
Looks: Proportioned looks although conventional
Capacity: Four persons
Price: INR 275,000 (+ 50,000 )
Affordability and low maintenance cost is the philosophy of Maruthi Alto. So next time, you have a car TBD, make sure you drive an Alto without fail. Let me know if my Maruthi Alto review had been of any help to you.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Who would want to be called fatty?
Did you know? Andy Rhine of California was weighing about 480 kgs when he breathed his last at 35 years of age. He was seen on his couch in his apartment and was then shifted to hospital after calling a crane to lift him to hospital bed from his apartment where he died. Itseems his organs were crushed because of his body weight and his heart became so tired and could not cope up with pumping blood into every nooky and cranny of his monstrous body. It stopped beating at 35 itself.
Priscilla Stone weighed 550 kg and she had to depend on a truck for transporting her. All things in her home were tailored including the chairs, beds, doorways...even the restroom stuff) to suit her big plus size.
Pick your jaw up from off that floor and think a while. If these stories have been your nightmares, well you are certainly not alone.
Obesity causes so many side effects; trauma, anxiety, depression and plays a havoc with mind. It simply implies that there is nothing else thats worthier than a slim and prim proper body. And. I would say that only a miniscule per cent of population fall in this standard.
And did I tell you that obesity will also push a person into destructive eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia? You know how fat people are a target of ridicule and mockery and butt of jokes amongst friends, society and even in pictures.
What about the numerous health disorders that are caused by obesity such as the coronary artery disease, arthritis, diabetes hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and hyoertriglyceridemia? And did you know that many researchers linked causes of some cancers to obesity?
Scarry?? Dont lose heart!
The age-old combination of balanced diet and exercise regimen can turn your life. And the benefits of regular exercise are by far many:
Fat loss
Increased strength and stamina
Improved self confidence
Increased body flexibility
Improved cardiovascular efficiency
Increased alertness of brain
Denser; implying stronger bones
Increased life expectancy
Improved sleep
Decreased blood pressure
These apart, you will notice a dramatic improvement in appearance and physique. Remember that the goal of exercising is not to bring your body to fit into a predetermined contour or fashion mould or faking you to look as somebody else. Indeed make yourself more vibrant and healthier.
There are so many factors to affect a person's weight; genetical factors, body type, environment, dietary habits, and metabolism. A sedentary lifestyle also will result in obesity. One must consider the following factors:
Activity: Aerobic activities, which cover a large sphere and include swimming, cycling, stair climbing, racketting games, walking, jogging and many many more.
Intensity of the activities: It must be ideally within a person's fat burn zone or otherwise popular as training zone or target heart range and this varies with individuals and governed by several factors as well such as afe, goals of activities, current fitness level, health problems if any, etc. For instance if a person is taking some medications it might affect his heart range and a good trainer will caluculate your heart range and monitor it throughout.
Frequency of activities: For fat loss, one needs to start working out for at least 3 times a week to gradually upping to about 5-6 times.
Duration: Raise your heart rate to the target range and stay there for over half an hour.
**Make sure you come back for some useful pointers.