First off, let’s go over some of the reasons why buying an Apple iPhone would be a wise investment. To start, it should not be discounted, although it has already been written off by some, that the iPhone houses within its parts an iPod. The iPod is the name in music on the go. Even if someone already owns an iPod or other mp3 player, the iPhone possesses the most technologically advanced (next to the almost identical iPod Touch—the iPhone without the phone capabilities) music player on the market.
Secondly, the Apple iPhone serves as a cell phone. In this day and age, it is hard to even survive without the ability to call up someone on the road or away from home. Of course, this also means that most people already have cell phones, but few possess the quality of the iPhone. Already, this item not only doubles as a phone and an mp3 player, but it doubles as the best phone and the best mp3 player; a two-in-one cellphone.
Finally, the iPhone has the most productive handheld web browser around. Not only can you purchase songs for your iPod portably now, but also you can replace most needs for a laptop computer. Save the ability to type large documents comfortably, the iPhone’s Internet browser offers the same online experience as any laptop or desktop computer. No other device on the market combines portable music, cell phone use, and Internet browsing into one, easy-to-use gadget.
Now, what are the cons of purchasing an Apple iPhone? To start, it should not be forgotten that the iPhone carries a steep price tag. And while the price maybe due to the fact that the device is the most technologically advanced thing on the market, the more frugal of customers might not be so impressed by it.
The answer to whether or not you should buy an Apple iPhone boils down to this. If you already own an iPod, already have a cell phone, and either had an internet-ready laptop or lack the desire for web browsing on the go, the iPhone is JUST NOT FOR YOU GUYS. But if you are a sucker for the newest in technology, would like to combine two or three of your gadgets into one—in a high end package no less, or simply have money to throw around, then the iPhone from Apple would be a wise investment and you can just freak on it and it has loads to offer you guys!
Those of you who didn't my earlier post on iPhone, check this out to know what an iPhone is