I had to admit that Raaz 2 movie may not be one great horror thriller of he Indian cinema, but it is still worth watching once and when you have a stretched weekend like this, you can definitely head to the theaters to watch Emraan Hashmi and Kangana Ranaut who are just outstanding.
Raaz The Mystery Continues opens with heroine’s narration about ghosts and guess you can't ask for a better opening than this for a thriller. Kangana played the model named Nandita Chopra and she ramps so gorgeously. Nandita falls in love with a documentary filmmaker Yash Dayal (Adhyayan Suman) who does TV reporting before breaking into direction. He directs a reality show named Andhvishwas (Yowzat! Now call it coincidence?) which opens to rave reviews and wins accolades from all quarters of society.
While the relationship between Nandita and Yash Dayal continues, she meets a weird painter artist Prithvi (Emraan Hashmi) who predicts her future through what he paints. She comes to know of a looming threat to her life but has all doubts to or not to believe about Prithvi’s predictions. But she slowly starts experiencing horror and Prithvi tries to rescue the girl. Yash is one who will not give to blind faiths (as his reality show is titled) or supernatural powers.
Now here comes the Raaz the mystery continues…
What’s that Prithvi foresee happening in Nandita's life? Whether what he’d foreseen all happen to Nandita? Will Yash believe the existence of possessions? Who succeeds in saving Nandita Chopra, Yash Dayal or Prithvi? Whether he succeeds in saving her life all form the rest of the movie and trust me you will like watching the movie.
The redeemable factor of Raaz The Mystery Continues is none other than Emraan Hashmi and this man is a load of acting smarts. I also loved Kangana Ranaut as much when she walked the ramp and as much when becomes possessed. She is another good factor in the film. Both Emraan and Kangana deserve an A rating for their brilliant performance. While Emraan slimmed down a bit you will see Kangana put on some extra kilos here and there, she's still carried herself beautifully.
Mohit Suri is successful and I would say the pre-interval session keeps you bite your nails off with loads of suspense and horror. Mohit Suri’s efforts behind the camera are wonderful; not too much of bloodcurdling but yes justified. However, Suri seem to have lost a hold and the second half film doesn’t live to viewer’s expectations. After taking to a good high during the first half, the second half falls and fails to take it another high. I would still reckon that a few scenes involving Kangan thrill you.
Adhyayan Suman didn’t inherit the acting and spontaneity of his father Sekhar Suman. His father should take interest in sending the boy to a dialogue and acting school and not a GYM. He needs to take some crash course on acting if he is serious of taking acting as his career. He still appears raw and in many scenes his expressions remain clueless and horrid. I still say the movie saw Adhyayan better with good screen presence after the interval. Emraan seem to have been sidelined and Adhyayan given more focus by the Bhatts. Maybe high time for Emran Hashmi to bid an adieu to his godfather’s camp and move ahead believing just in him. He’s certainly a matured actor and doesn't need anyone to back him up.
The music and the songs are very good (like you expect from any of the Vishesh Films and especially the song 'Maahi Ve' is one you will listen from everyone once the film is over) but I loved the re-recording part very much and it does keep you on the edge of your seats. The climax is not cooked in right proportions and it didn't taste good(I guess that’s the reason why Indian horror films fail to stand with Hollywood horror flicks). Just like any other Indian horror film it also fails to score a great finish.
Raaz 2 movie review will be given a B+ rating from me. And, let me tell you that you one take one slot of your weekend for this horror suspense thriller and you will not be disappointed. So, whats that you are still pondering? Get ready for some spooking this weekend, Raaz the Mystery Continues has those elements in abundance for you, and if you hit the theater without any expectations on the movie Raaz 2 you get your ticket's worth. If you liked my Raaz 2 movie review, make a comment on the post that'll let me know visit my blog often because I love to update you on the forthcoming films too.
**If you don't enjoy hair-raising sequences, please stay off the movie.
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